procedure _Chiyue_True; var chiyue , i , j , itemNum,cont_cy ,js_cy,ybnum_cy: integer; Iname ,str_cy: string; begin chiyue := 0; for i := 1 to 14 do begin Iname := getZBnameById(200 + i); if Iname <> '' then begin itemNum := This_Player.GetBagItemCount(Iname); if itemNum > 0 then begin chiyue := chiyue + itemNum; This_Player.Take(Iname, itemNum); if This_Player.getV(51,6)< 0 then This_Player.SetV(51,6,0); for j := 1 to itemNum do begin This_Player.Give('经验', getZexpNum(2)); This_Player.Give('金刚石', 10); This_Player.SetV(58,3,This_Player.GetV(58,3)+1); ybnum_cy:=5; This_Player.ScriptRequestAddYBNum(ybnum_cy); This_Player.SetV(51,6,This_Player.getV(51,6)+ybnum_cy); end; end; end; end; js_cy:=This_Player.getV(58,3); if chiyue > 0 then begin if js_cy > random(10) then begin if (chiyue < 5) then begin cont_cy:=random(2)+1; end else if (chiyue >= 5) and (chiyue < 10) then begin cont_cy:=random(3)+2; end else if (chiyue >= 10) and (chiyue < 20) then begin cont_cy:=random(4)+3; end else if (chiyue >= 20) and (chiyue < 30) then begin cont_cy:=random(6)+4; end else if (chiyue >= 30) and (chiyue < 40) then begin cont_cy:=random(8)+5; end else begin cont_cy:=random(7)+6; end; case random(3) of 0:str_cy:='高级兽骨'; 1:str_cy:='高级兽血'; 2:str_cy:='高级兽魂'; end; end; if str_cy<>'' then begin This_Player.PlayerDialog( '恭喜你获得:' + inttostr(getZexpNum(2) div 10000 * chiyue) + '万经验,金刚石*' + inttostr(chiyue*10) +'+'+str_cy+'*'+inttostr(cont_cy)+',元宝x'+inttostr(This_Player.getV(51,6))+'\|' +'|{cmd}<返回/@ZhuangBack>'); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜玩家“' + This_Player.Name + ' ”回收'+ inttostr(chiyue) + '件赤月装备,获得元宝x'+inttostr(This_Player.getV(51,6))+',' + inttostr(getZexpNum(2) div 10000 * chiyue) + '万经验,金刚石*' + inttostr(chiyue*10) + '+'+str_cy+'*'+inttostr(cont_cy),2); This_Player.SetV(58,3,0); This_Player.SetV(51,6,0); This_Player.Give(str_cy,cont_cy); end else begin This_Player.PlayerDialog( '恭喜你获得:' + inttostr(getZexpNum(2) div 10000 * chiyue) + '万经验,金刚石*' + inttostr(chiyue*10) +',元宝x'+inttostr(This_Player.getV(51,6))+'\|' +'|{cmd}<返回/@ZhuangBack>'); This_Player.PlayerNotice('恭喜玩家“' + This_Player.Name + ' ”回收'+ inttostr(chiyue) + '件赤月装备,获得元宝x'+inttostr(This_Player.getV(51,6))+',' + inttostr(getZexpNum(2) div 10000 * chiyue) + '万经验,金刚石*' + inttostr(chiyue*10) + '+'+str_cy+'*'+inttostr(cont_cy),2); This_Player.SetV(51,6,0); end; end else begin This_Player.PlayerDialog( '一件赤月装备也没有,快去打宝吧' ); end; end;