procedure CommitItem(AType:word); var i,ck_num,ck_kind,YBNum,ck_gold,ck_rand:integer; ck_str,ck_red:string; begin ck_gold := 0; //初始化 ck_str := ''; //初始化 ck_red := ''; //初始化 for ck_kind := 1 to 3 do begin if ck_name[ck_kind] = This_Item.ItemName then begin ck_num := This_Item.AddPa1 + This_Item.AddPa2 + This_Item.AddPa3 + This_Item.AddPa4 + This_Item.AddPa5; ck_gold := ck_value[ck_kind]; if (ck_num > 0) and (ck_num < 3) then begin for i:= 1 to ck_num do begin ck_gold := ck_gold*2; end; end; end; end; if ck_num > 3 then begin This_Player.NotifyClientCommitItem(0,'无法鉴定:你的'+This_Item.ItemName+'已激发出所有属性!'); end else if ck_gold > 0 then begin if This_Player.GoldNum >= ck_gold then begin ck_rand := random(10000); if ck_rand < 7024 then begin This_Player.NotifyClientCommitItem(0,'升级失败,你的勋章属性未发生变化'); This_NPC.NotifyClientUPdBagItem(This_Player,This_Item); end else if ck_rand < 8074 then begin This_Item.AddPa3 := This_Item.AddPa3 + 1; //攻击+1 ck_str :='攻击+1'; ck_red :='红字公告'; end else if ck_rand < 8724 then begin This_Item.AddPa4 := This_Item.AddPa4 + 1; //魔法+1 ck_str :='魔法+1'; ck_red :='红字公告'; end else if ck_rand < 9574 then begin This_Item.AddPa5 := This_Item.AddPa5 + 1; //道术+1 ck_str :='道术+1'; ck_red :='红字公告'; end; This_Player.DecGold(ck_gold); if ck_str <> '' then begin This_Player.NotifyClientCommitItem(0,'鉴定成功:你的'+This_Item.ItemName+'提升了'+ck_str+'!'); This_NPC.NotifyClientUPdBagItem(This_Player,This_Item); end; if ck_red <> '' then This_NPC.NpcNotice('恭喜:'+This_Player.Name+'在庄园勋章鉴定师鉴定'+This_Item.ItemName+'时提升了'+ck_str+'!'); This_Player.AddLogRec(9, This_Item.ItemName, 811152, ck_gold, ck_str); end else begin This_Player.NotifyClientCommitItem(0,'无法鉴定:你的金币不足,需要'+inttostr(ck_gold)+'金币。'); end; end else begin This_Player.NotifyClientCommitItem(0,'该物品不可鉴定,请投入可鉴定的装备!'); end; end; procedure _CheckupRule; begin This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, +'|<勇士你准备好了吗/fcolor=253>\' +'|<沃玛盾牌/fcolor=250>\' +'|<祖玛盾牌/fcolor=251>\' +'|<赤月盾牌/fcolor=252>\' +'|<每次鉴定消耗一定数量的金币/fcolor=253>\' +'|{cmd}<返回/@main>' ); end; function xin(price, num: Integer):boolean; begin result := true; end; begin This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, +'|<勇士你好,是否想让自己变的更强大~/fcolor=250>\' +'|<老夫学会了勋章鉴定极品技能!/fcolor=251>\' +'|<可以到我这里鉴定出极品属性,鉴定/fcolor=252>\' +'|<可以随机获得攻击.魔法.道术等属性./fcolor=253>\' +'|<每次收取50万的金币当然会有失败的几率/fcolor=254>\' +'|<如果你对鉴定出的属性不满意可以去找/fcolor=255>\' +'|<我师兄勋章清洗师他会帮助你的!/fcolor=250>\ \' +'|{cmd}<开始鉴定盾牌/@Checkup> |{cmd}<查看可以升级的盾牌/@CheckupRule> \' ); end.