2209 0 称号碎片 153 2 0 0 2376 0 9999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0
if strtoint(gotostr) = 4 then begin if This_Player.getV(111,11) = 3 then begin if (This_Player.GetBagItemCount ('称号碎片') >= 80) and (This_Player.YBNum >= 800) then begin This_Player.SetV(111,11,4); This_Player.SetV(111,15,10); This_Player.SetV(200,4,1); This_Player.Take('称号碎片',80) This_Player.ScriptRequestSubYBNum(800); This_Player.AddPlayerAbil(1, This_Player.GetV(111,15),10800); This_Player.SetV(69,7,99); givefenghao; This_Player.playerNotice('激活成功', 0); end else This_Player.playerNotice('称号碎片或元宝不足', 0); end else This_Player.playerNotice('请按顺序激活或你已激活过了', 0); end else if strtoint(gotostr) = 5 then begin if This_Player.getV(111,11) = 4 then begin if (This_Player.GetBagItemCount ('称号碎片') >= 100) and (This_Player.YBNum >= 1000) then begin This_Player.SetV(111,11,5); This_Player.SetV(111,16,10); This_Player.SetV(200,5,1); This_Player.Take('称号碎片',100) This_Player.ScriptRequestSubYBNum(1000); This_Player.AddPlayerAbil(14, This_Player.GetV(111,16),10800); This_Player.SetV(69,7,94); givefenghao; This_Player.playerNotice('激活成功', 0); end else This_Player.playerNotice('称号碎片或元宝不足', 0); end else This_Player.playerNotice('请按顺序激活或你已激活过了', 0); end; end; procedure _jihuo1; begin if This_Player.getV(200,1) = 1 then begin This_Player.SetV(69,7,96); givefenghao; end else This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, '称号未激活,请先激活' ); end; procedure _jihuo2; begin if This_Player.getV(200,2) = 1 then begin This_Player.SetV(69,7,97); givefenghao; end else This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, '称号未激活,请先激活' ); end; procedure _jihuo3; begin if This_Player.getV(200,3) = 1 then begin This_Player.SetV(69,7,98); givefenghao; end else This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, '称号未激活,请先激活' ); end; procedure _jihuo4; begin if This_Player.getV(200,4) = 1 then begin This_Player.SetV(69,7,99); givefenghao; end else This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, '称号未激活,请先激活' ); end; procedure _jihuo5; begin if This_Player.getV(200,5) = 1 then begin This_Player.SetV(69,7,94); givefenghao; end else This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player, '称号未激活,请先激活' ); end;