program Mir2; { 1.NPC安全泡点设在土城分为三种. 第一种免费泡点一秒5000经验,主号和英雄都要5000经验,可免费泡到50级。 第二种赞助泡点凡事充值满100或100以上的都视为赞助,赞助泡点一秒可获得一万经验主号和英雄都一万经验,可免费泡到55级。 第三种元宝泡点每秒扣除10元宝主号和英雄都获得10万经验,没等级限制可泡到顶。 } procedure _Exit; begin This_Npc.CloseDialog(This_Player); end; procedure domain; begin This_Npc.Npcdialog(This_Player, '<泡点介绍:全天24小时开放.每秒增加2万经验/c=250>'+ '|<泡点介绍:泡点只限在安全区出安全区无效/c=250>'+ '|<泡点介绍:可免费泡点到65级/c=250>'+ '|<元宝泡点介绍:一秒加5万经验,每秒扣10元宝/c=250>'+ '|{cmd}'+ '<我要免费泡点/@MFpaodian>' + '<我要元宝泡点/@SSXL2>' ) end; procedure _MFpaodian; begin if This_Player.Level < 65 then begin if This_Player.HeroLevel < 0 then begin This_Npc.Npcdialog(This_Player,'请召唤出你的英雄在来!'); exit; end; This_Player.FlyTo('3', 330 - 5 + random(5), 330 - 5 + random(5)); This_Player.CallOut(This_Npc, 1, 'MFpaodian1') end else This_Npc.Npcdialog(This_Player,'你已经65级了,不能在泡点了~'); end; procedure _ZZpaodian; begin if This_Player.Level < 55 then begin if This_Player.GetV(43,43) >= 100 then begin if This_Player.HeroLevel < 0 then begin This_Npc.Npcdialog(This_Player,'请召唤出你的英雄在来!'); exit; end; This_Player.FlyTo('3', 330 - 5 + random(5), 330 - 5 + random(5)); This_Player.CallOut(This_Npc, 1, 'MFpaodian2') end else This_Npc.Npcdialog(This_Player, '需要赞助100元'); end else This_Npc.Npcdialog(This_Player,'你已经55或超过55级了,不能享受此服务~'); end; procedure _YBpaodian; begin if This_Player.Level >= 60 then begin This_Npc.Npcdialog(This_Player,' 你已经超过60级'); exit; end; if This_Player.YBnum < 10 then begin This_Npc.Npcdialog(This_Player,' 你没有10元宝'); exit; end; if This_Player.HeroLevel < 0 then begin This_Npc.Npcdialog(This_Player,'请召唤出你的英雄在来!'); exit; end; This_Player.FlyTo('3', 330 - 5 + random(5), 330 - 5 + random(5)); This_Player.CallOut(This_Npc, 1, 'MFpaodian3') end; procedure MFpaodian1; begin if (This_Player.Level < 90) and (This_Player.MapName = '3') then This_Player.CallOut(This_Npc, 1, 'MFpaodian1') if (This_Player.My_x > 320) and (This_Player.My_x < 340) and (This_Player.My_y > 320) and (This_Player.My_y < 340) then begin This_Player.Give('经验', 20000); This_Player.GiveHeroExp(20000, false) end; end;